Born For Greatness, Will You Finish?

“They had great ideas”
“They got lucky”
“They worked hard”

These were few of the many responses I received when I asked an interesting question.

Why did ____ become so famous?

Some of the names I included were:
Michael Jordan
Lebron James (as i poked my eyes out)
Mahatma Gandhi
Martin Luther King Jr
Abraham Lincoln

But for this I want to use the same technique my Youth Pastor used when he taught me this lesson.
Think of the 3 most inspirational people of all time.

I then asked those people

Why aren’t you as famous as ______?

I then received answers like this:
“They got lucky”
“I already am”
“I live here”
“Not enough time”

The last answer interested me….
Because my Youth Pastor Jerrod Murr, answered this statement in the class and his words really made me fall out of my seat.

He said a very obvious statement that shocked the room.

You have as many hours in one day, one week, one month , one year than any of the people on your list.

He went on to say, since we have as much time as they did, why aren’t we accomplishing even small things and doing productive things in our everyday life.

His words, brutally honest made me think long and hard…..
Maybe I need to view my life in a more positive way. I need to look at each day as a day to accomplish something.

We have the same 24 hours Abe Lincoln did in his lifetime.

I think from now on I will use as many of them as I can, for doing positive things.

We were born for greatness!
Its our decision if we want to go get it!

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